Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Plays Well With Others

   Well, another Evart Funfest is over but the concerts, jam sessions, and many lessons still ring in our ears. Evart is one of those places where the Gurdy is in the definite minority. there were 5 or 6 in a crowd of a couple thousand, yet they were sought out at jamming partners, instructors, and even welcomed on stage during the mid afternoon! Michael Opp and friends taught a 'One on One' class to several potential Hurdy-gurdy players, while Mel, David S, David L, and Luke K taught a 'Get Acquainted with the Gurdy' class at the other end of the building.

Mel catches a quiet time to tune and play
  We encourage all of you to find opportunities to play with a variety of instruments. Even if you get a strange or less than welcoming glance at first, we have found if we play in tune with others and tone down our volume a bit to blend not overwhelm, and practice good jamming etiquette we are not just welcomed but asked to join them.   Also remember the HG festival in Bloomington, IN. Early registration ends August 4th. contact information can be found on the previous blog.

Michael and friends demonstrate on stage at the Evart Funfest that the Gurdy is a very friendly instrument and plays with others!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

3rd Annual Indiana Hurdy-gurdy Festival

At most music festivals, the Hurdy-gurdy is a minority instrument. No so at WayCross conference Center about 30 senic miles north and east of Bloomington, Indiana. For 4 days, Thursday September 4 through Monday September 8, 2014,  the gurdy will reign and gurdy players from across the US will teach, learn, share new and old ideas, and even explore the history of their instruments.
   Bob Greene and Michael Opp  who both taught last year will be joined by R.T. Taylor, teacher and player from California, each bringing their special talents to the variety of workshops filling the 4 days. For more information and registration forms  go to:
This site will tell you all you need to know about the workshops, instructors, and accomodations,  sending you scrambling to get your registration in while there is still room.

On another note, our lives here at hurdy-gurdy crafters has taken an unexpected turn and kept us out of the shop while getting Mel's parents settled in a lovely assisted living appartment. If you are one of the patient musicians who are waiting for your HGC instrument, we thank you. We hope to be back in the shop at nearly full speed as soon as we return from the Evart, MI. ODPC Fun Fest next week. We will think of our friend Judith Lidneau as we introduce folks to the Hurdy gurdy at the Evart festival. It was there 8 or 9 years ago that she introduced us to its charms and started what has become sometimes a business, a love affair, and at times an obsession.